Wednesday, April 11, 2007

2007 Accessibility Audit for Local Churches


The Discipline states that “[every local church] shall conduct or cause to be conducted an ANNUAL ACCESSIBILITY AUDIT of their buildings…”

Church Name:___________________________ District: _________________________

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following :

1) Is it possible to get from a parked car to any area in the building without going up or down a step or steps? __________

2) Is the slope of walks not greater than 5 percent? __________

3) Are walks of a continued common surface, not interrupted by steps? _________

4) Do walks have a level platform, the top of which is 5 feet by 5 feet if the door swings out onto the platform or toward the walk, or 3 feet by 5 feet if the door does not swing onto the platform? _________

5) Does the platform extend at least 1 foot beyond each side of the doorway?

6) Do ramps have a slope no greater than 1 foot rise in 12 feet and a width of no less
than 36 inches?

7) Do ramps have handrails on both sides? _________
Are handrails 32 inches above the surface of the ramp? _________
Are handrail surfaces smooth? _________
Do handrails extend 1 foot beyond the top and bottom of the ramp? ________

8) Is at least one primary entrance to each building usable by individuals in wheel-
chairs? (Preferrably all or most entrances and exits are accessible to, and
usable by, individuals in wheelchairs or people who are otherwise disabled.) ____

9) Do doors have clear openings of 32 inches or more? Are they operable by a
single effort? (Note: double doors are not satisfactory unless they operate
by a single effort or unless one of the two doors meets the 32-inch wide
requirement.) ________

10) Is the floor on the inside and outside of each doorway level for a distance of
5 feet from the door in the direction the door swings? __________

11) Are sharp includes and abrupt changes in level avoided at door sills? (1/2 inch
for interior doors, ¾ inch for exterior doors?) __________

12) Are floors on each story at common level or connected by a ramp? _______
13) Can people participate fully in worship?
a) Can people hear? Is sound adequately amplified (i.e., is there an induc-
tion loop system or miniature broadcasting system which can be adapted
to existing sound systems)? ________________________________

b) Can people see? Is lighting adequate to enable participation in worship?
(Light sources should be located so there are no shadows on speakers or
Interpreters) ______________________________

c) Is space provided for wheelchairs? (Minimum of 2 spaces preferred) _______

d) Do at least two more spaces have extra leg room for people with crutches,
walkers, braces or casts? __________________

e) Can people take communion without climbing steps? __________________

14) Is at least one accessible toilet provided on each floor? _________________

15) Do entrance vestibules, doors, and vision screens allow sufficient clearance
for wheelchair passage? _______________

16) Do rest rooms have turning space of 5 feet by 5 feet to allow traffic of
individuals in wheelchairs? ______________

17) Does at least one toilet stall have:
a) a 36-inch wide opening and door that swings out (42 inches preferred) _____
b) a 48-inch clear depth from door to front of commode to allow a wheelchair
in the stall? ____________
c) grab bars on each side, which met specifications, fastened securely to the
wall at the ends and center? ______
d) a commode with the seat 17 inches to 19 inches from the floor? ________

18) Is at least one water fountain on each floor usable and accessible by people with
physical disabilities? ___________ (Note: If answer is “no,” we have a lost cost
way to “fix” the problem….ask us!)

19) If coolers are wall-mounted, are they hand-operated, with basins 30 to 36 inches
from the floor? ____________

20) Is a telephone easily accessible? __________
a) Is there a telephone in the church at all? ___________

21) If your facility is multistory, does it have an elevator? _____________
a) Is the cab at least 68 inches by 51 inches? ______________
b) Does the door have a clear opening of at least 36 inches wide? _________

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