Monday, April 23, 2007


The following information is in the NAC Pre-Conference Workbooks. It will be voted on at Annual Conference.

Steps for a local church to be a “Bridge Builder”:

1. Have a lay member designated as Director of Disability Ministries for the local church
2. Have proof of an active Disability Ministry by
*having at least one Handicapped Parking spot marked with appropriate sign
*show at least three things the church has done during the year to help
those with disabilities (directly or indirectly---for example, one thing
all churches can do is to show that instead of an asterisk
to mean “congregation stands,” the asterisk will mean “that all who
are able and wish to do so should stand.”)
*having a Disability Ministry Fund (no set amount required)
*give to the District Disability Ministry Fund and the North Alabama Conference
Disability Fund (no set amount…give as able)
3. Show that the local church has had an annual Disability Awareness Sunday.
4. Show that the local church has completed an annual Accessibility Audit.

Churches meeting the above criteria will receive a certificate showing that they are Bridge Builders for the current year. Churches will receive a certificate every year that the above criteria are met.

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